I hung out his washing and it made me feel guilty, 2018, Installation view at Sydney College of the Arts Honours Graduation Show, image: Docqment
Feminism is like an onion, 2018, embroidery thread on linen, fringing, 260x120cm, image: Docqment
Burn Banana, Burn, 2018, cotton, chiffon, organza, thread, dowel,100x65cm, image: Docqment
Instillation view of Firm Grip, 2018, video, image: Docqment
I hung out his washing and it made me feel guilty, 2018, Installation view at Sydney College of the Arts Honours Graduation Show,
image: Docqment
Prescribed reading list (detail), 2018, pleather on felt, image: Docqment
Instillation view: I hung out his washing and it made me feel guilty, 2018, Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney, image: Docqment
Firm Grip, 2018, video, 2:38min